Beautifully written by renowned children’s author, Arthur S. Maxwell (aka Uncle Arthur), and illustrated on almost every page. These fine, hardcover books are the most comprehensive set of Bible stories for children ever written. This set has the quoted Bible texts taken from the King James Version (KJV). Written especially for elementary school ages, The Bible Story series is easy to read & understand. Over 1200 color illustrations and 409 stories in 10 volumes. Stories are true to the Bible. Entire Bible is covered, beginning with stories from Genesis in volume 1 and ending with stories from Revelation in volume 10. Volume 1: The Book of Beginnings (From Creation to Isaac) Volume 2: Mighty Men of Old (From Jacob to the Dedication of Aaron) Volume 3: Trials and Triumphs (From the Death of Nadab and Abihu to the Anointing of David) Volume 4: Heroes and Heroines (From David’s Victory Over Goliath to the Division of Israel) Volume 5: Great Men of God (From Elijah to the Fall of Jerusalem) Volume 6: Struggles and Victories (From Daniel to Malachi) Volume 7: Wonderful Jesus (From Bethlehem to the Beginning of His Ministry) Volume 8: Prince of Princes (From His Early Ministry to His Last Parables) Volume 9: King of Kings (From the Closing Scenes of Jesus’ Life to His Ascension) Volume 10: Onward to Glory (From the Ascension of Christ to His Coming Kingdom) Hard Cover by Arthur S. Maxwell
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